Music Ministry

Make a joyful noise to the Lord!

It is with great joy that we burst into jubilant song with music! Through the music ministry here at St. Bernard’s we strive to lead the assembly to full and active participation in the liturgy. Come and be a part of this wonderful ministry!  Any questions, contact Donna Ayers at 294-3556 or

During this time of change with the Covid-19 virus, we are currently only having 2 weekend Masses.  We have usually 1 Cantor and a pianist per Mass.  We are not having any choirs or groups at this time, as there is not enough space to “social distance” and sing and play our instruments. 

Our 9am Mass is video recorded every week so our parishioners can watch from home at their convenience.  Due to the restraints of the sound system to get a “decent” sound, we are unable to have more than 2 voices and no additional instruments. 

If you are interested in possibly singing at any of our services, please contact me for a private consult to see if we can work something out.  Cantors will be trained for this ministry.

We look forward to the day when we can all sing and play our instruments again as a group!  As soon as we open up again, please let me know if you are interested in singing or playing with one of our groups… or forming a new group!